Monday, May 17, 2010

Top 10 most influential people in the world

Recently, Times has selected 100 people who are most influential in a positive way. Heroes, thinkers, leaders and artists. These are the 10 people that i think are the most influential in the world that are on the list ( Mark Zukerberg and Jeffrey Sachs are not on the list)

1. Barack Obama - He's the first African - American president. He has given hopes to oppressed people by being elected as a president from the oppressed people himself. He also cares about human rights a lot and every time when there's an issue related to human rights especially, he steps into find a resolution.

2. Oprah Winfrey - Oprah Winfrey is a African-American talk show woman who is leading the Oprah Winfrey show. She has given so much inspiration to people all over the world. She especially gave inspirations to a lot of women across the world by being a successful women .

3. Kim Yu Na- Kim Yu Na is a South Korean figure skater. She has won gold medal with highest score ever recorded. She has inspired the other Koreans by winning several medals. She also donated over $1.7 million in last 3 years for young figure skaters, diseased people and children.

4. Bill Clinton - He is an ex - President of USA. After he retired, he started helping poor people in Africa for many years. His actions resulted over 42 million African children being able to attend school. He also visited North Korea and met with Kim Jung Ill and freed 2 American journalist.

5. Jeffrey Sachs - He has been helping villages in African for years. He is also a leader of The Earth Institute. He also did a voluntary work in Africa for the Millennium Village concepts, helping thousands of African people.

6. Nick Vujicic - Nick Vujicic was born limbless. He lived through challenges and had to deal with self- esteem problems. But he eventually learned to deal with his disability that he had and now he's living like any other normal people in the world. He has inspired other disabled people that disability isn't a huge problem.

7. Bil Gates - Bill Gates is also a college drop out. But Bill Gates founded the base technology in computers by creating the Window system and creating the Microsoft company. He also donates huge amount of his money to help people in need all over the world.

8. Mark Zuckerberg - Mark Zuckerberg was a college drop out. But despite the fact that he didn't finish the college, he created Facebook, connecting millions people all over the world and enabled wide global communication.

9. Steven jobs - Steven jobs is the founder of the Apple company. Steven Jobs is the founder of the Apple company and brought more development in the computer technology. Some of his famous products are the i-series ( i phone, i pod and etc)

10. James Cameron - He has created several famous films such as The Terminator 1-2, Alien, Titanic, and Avatar.He has given people entertainment and made them awe at the new film technology and enchanced graphics.

Mark Zuckerberg Bio

Steven Jobs Bio

Bill Gates Bio

Barack Obama

Oprah Winfrey
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Kim Yu Na keep-alive
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James Cameron

Bill Clinton

Jeffrey Sachs

Nick Vujicic

Time 100 pic

Mark Zuckerberg pic

Steven Jobs pic

Bill Gates pic

Barack Obama pic

Oprah Winfrey pic

Kim Yu Na pic

James Cameron pic

Bill Clinton pic

Jeffrey Sachs pic

Nick Vujicic pic

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Desperation in Haiti (2006)

Haiti 2006 before the earthquake

In Haiti 2006, there were poverty, diseases and violated rights plaguing the country. In Haiti 2006, approximately 1 of every 14 babies was dying before they passed their first birthday. Recently, Haiti has elected a new government and president with a little hope of changing the desperate situation in Haiti. The new president Mr.Preval claimed that he would work toward child development and protection plan such as MDG. But he is currently facing problems such as low child mortality, education and vaccination rate and child malnutrition that needs to be solved to his goals. Children’s rights are being violated in lot of them don’t get education and proper health care. Only 41 percent children with simple diarrhea receive proper medical care. 5000 babies are born with HIV each year and only 300 are treated properly. About 45 percent of children can’t get primary education because of poverty and distance from their home to school. Some of them have to live out in the streets fighting for their lives from gang activity. When a family is poor, a child would be made Restaveks (Creole dialect ‘to stay with’), live away from families, often getting exploited and abused. The only way to change this is the constant political leadership and continued attention to the children’s rights, placing children in the middle of the society.

Haiti in 2010
The new president, Mr.Preval's plan to reach the MDG seems to be hopeless right now. In 2010, there were earthquakes that struck Haiti with magnitude of 7.0. The earthquake destroyed most of the Haiti's capital city Port au Prince. The earth quake took away thousands of life, Haitian's little wealth and growing hope of reconstructing Haiti as a healthy, wealthy and child - caring country. Almost three million people were attacked by the earthquake. In just 3 days after the earthquake, a golf course was full of refugees building tents for survival. Red cross Doctors and volunteers from various countries went to Haiti to help them rebuild the country and save deseperate people. Millions of dollars were donated to Haiti for help, altough some of them didn't reach those people in need due to the corruption, making it harder for Haiti to cope with the damage caused by the earthquake. Haiti suffers from health crisis and still needs more aids from other country. On BBC article (, it said that Haiti needs about another $300 million to fulfil the amount of food and water in need. About 60% of population in Haiti's capital Port au Prince have received proper water aid. They also estimated that about 692000 are currently staying in 590 temporary shelters, which is more than 5 times of its normal capacity. People of Haiti hope that the countries keep helping the country so that they can hopefully save the country from the earthquake damage

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Millennium Village

Nowadays, Kenya has grown rapidly in agriculture yield, dropping rate of child morality, school attendance and cell phone ownership. There had been a huge change is spirit. Some people started to learn farming, catfish breeding and harvesting honey. They are no longer afraid of changes. Mr. Sachs’s dream of 80-millennium village has become true. Some poor villages started to achieve their goals based on new technology to life people out of poverty. Technologies can now send blood result to a village to determine malaria infection, which kills million children a year. Incoming donations from other countries and progress can be replicated 1000 times to wipe out poverty. But some people criticize the plan. Concerning barriers to aids such as highly corrupted government that blocks Sachs from wiping out poverty from the world.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

World Bank and poverty

The World Bank is an organization created by UN to help some poor countries in the world to develop and reconstruct. They have about 73 countries that are currently receiving help from them. The people define poverty as not having enough food to eat, not enough money, not being able to send children to school because of the school, unstable house and no close source of safe drinking water. Simple poverty is different from extreme poverty. If you live in an extreme poverty, you don't even have enough money to have the basic needs of living, such as food, water, clothing, education and health. You can't complain to the police about somebody violating your rights, they are more likely not to listen to you. You have no hope of escaping from that life unless some outer source provides you help. This is something called 'poverty trap'. Something is holding you back from getting rid of the poverty. World Bank defines poverty as barely meeting basic standards of meeting and satisfaction. There are about 1.4 billion people living in poverty. Even this is an improvement from 1.9 billion living in poverty 20 years ago. Other people need to start paying attention to the people living in poverty. If we start informing the people, the more and more people would know about their hard life and feel sympathy for them, possibly donating them money or other basic resources.
I witnessed poverty in Malaysia when i was traveling with my family in a car. We saw this Malaysian village with small and unstable looking houses. There weren't any communication antennas on the roofs. Also, there was meat hanging outside houses waiting for people to buy them. The meat was hanging in the hot sun and there were flies flying around. The people will eat them and probably get sick. It made me feel that the poverty really is a sad thing. That some of the people are living in such a bad situation.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Give every right

'Give to every human being every right that you claim for yourself.'~ Robert Green Ingersoll.

I chose this quote because this sentence relates to the human right issue. I think the quote is saying that if you want to get some rights and benefit from them, you have to give the exact same right to other people. I think he said so because if you want something good, other people would want the good right to be theirs too.Because they would want that right as much as you do to have an equal authority in the society. This relates to the human rights because everyone deserves the same right and they all want to have equal rights as others for the good of their own and the society.

Human rights for all. The human rights are given to every human on earth from the beginning of their life. The rights should be followed in all the countries. But some countries ignore those rights. In those countries, people's rights are being taken away or being violated. Some people in the world who care about those stuff try to inform other people about it, giving those people without human rights every rights that they are being deserved. Some of the people have the rights and they do appreciate the benefits that they gain from them. But when they see other people without the rights, they don't care. They don't bother trying to get them the rights that they want. So, if you have the rights, you SHOULD be trying to get other people the same rights too. Because they are same human being and they want the basic right that you want too.