Thursday, March 18, 2010

Give every right

'Give to every human being every right that you claim for yourself.'~ Robert Green Ingersoll.

I chose this quote because this sentence relates to the human right issue. I think the quote is saying that if you want to get some rights and benefit from them, you have to give the exact same right to other people. I think he said so because if you want something good, other people would want the good right to be theirs too.Because they would want that right as much as you do to have an equal authority in the society. This relates to the human rights because everyone deserves the same right and they all want to have equal rights as others for the good of their own and the society.

Human rights for all. The human rights are given to every human on earth from the beginning of their life. The rights should be followed in all the countries. But some countries ignore those rights. In those countries, people's rights are being taken away or being violated. Some people in the world who care about those stuff try to inform other people about it, giving those people without human rights every rights that they are being deserved. Some of the people have the rights and they do appreciate the benefits that they gain from them. But when they see other people without the rights, they don't care. They don't bother trying to get them the rights that they want. So, if you have the rights, you SHOULD be trying to get other people the same rights too. Because they are same human being and they want the basic right that you want too.

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