Monday, May 17, 2010

Top 10 most influential people in the world

Recently, Times has selected 100 people who are most influential in a positive way. Heroes, thinkers, leaders and artists. These are the 10 people that i think are the most influential in the world that are on the list ( Mark Zukerberg and Jeffrey Sachs are not on the list)

1. Barack Obama - He's the first African - American president. He has given hopes to oppressed people by being elected as a president from the oppressed people himself. He also cares about human rights a lot and every time when there's an issue related to human rights especially, he steps into find a resolution.

2. Oprah Winfrey - Oprah Winfrey is a African-American talk show woman who is leading the Oprah Winfrey show. She has given so much inspiration to people all over the world. She especially gave inspirations to a lot of women across the world by being a successful women .

3. Kim Yu Na- Kim Yu Na is a South Korean figure skater. She has won gold medal with highest score ever recorded. She has inspired the other Koreans by winning several medals. She also donated over $1.7 million in last 3 years for young figure skaters, diseased people and children.

4. Bill Clinton - He is an ex - President of USA. After he retired, he started helping poor people in Africa for many years. His actions resulted over 42 million African children being able to attend school. He also visited North Korea and met with Kim Jung Ill and freed 2 American journalist.

5. Jeffrey Sachs - He has been helping villages in African for years. He is also a leader of The Earth Institute. He also did a voluntary work in Africa for the Millennium Village concepts, helping thousands of African people.

6. Nick Vujicic - Nick Vujicic was born limbless. He lived through challenges and had to deal with self- esteem problems. But he eventually learned to deal with his disability that he had and now he's living like any other normal people in the world. He has inspired other disabled people that disability isn't a huge problem.

7. Bil Gates - Bill Gates is also a college drop out. But Bill Gates founded the base technology in computers by creating the Window system and creating the Microsoft company. He also donates huge amount of his money to help people in need all over the world.

8. Mark Zuckerberg - Mark Zuckerberg was a college drop out. But despite the fact that he didn't finish the college, he created Facebook, connecting millions people all over the world and enabled wide global communication.

9. Steven jobs - Steven jobs is the founder of the Apple company. Steven Jobs is the founder of the Apple company and brought more development in the computer technology. Some of his famous products are the i-series ( i phone, i pod and etc)

10. James Cameron - He has created several famous films such as The Terminator 1-2, Alien, Titanic, and Avatar.He has given people entertainment and made them awe at the new film technology and enchanced graphics.

Mark Zuckerberg Bio

Steven Jobs Bio

Bill Gates Bio

Barack Obama

Oprah Winfrey
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Kim Yu Na keep-alive
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James Cameron

Bill Clinton

Jeffrey Sachs

Nick Vujicic

Time 100 pic

Mark Zuckerberg pic

Steven Jobs pic

Bill Gates pic

Barack Obama pic

Oprah Winfrey pic

Kim Yu Na pic

James Cameron pic

Bill Clinton pic

Jeffrey Sachs pic

Nick Vujicic pic

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